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Speak with a Boca Raton Psychiatrist
Now Treating:
– Children
– Adolescents
– Adults
– Families
Contact Us Today for a Consultation
Speak with a Boca Raton Psychiatrist
Availability, treatment philosophy and personal service all help build rapport and the bond of trust that Dr. Mike works to develop with all of his patients and mental health treatment colleagues.
Dr. Mike specializes in treating psychiatric conditions in children and adults that others have failed to diagnose or treat effectively.
Informed, professional treatment methods developed through decades of treating complex psychiatric conditions and mental health disorders.
Specialized in delivering the very best personalized treatment to the individuals and families that we help.
With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Mike works closely with his patients as a team, always focusing on the goal of positive results and permanent change for the better.
A Psychiatrist in Boca Raton to Care for You & Your Children
No problem is too small, or too big. While appointments are typically scheduled during normal business hours, Dr. Mike and any mental health professionals he may refer are available to help with any situation that may arise with new or existing clients.
Availability, treatment philosophy and personal service all help build rapport and the bond of trust that Dr. Mike works to develop with all of his patients and mental health treatment colleagues.
Dr. Mike has helped hundreds of patients overcome anxiety disorders ranging from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) to post traumatic stress disroder (PTSD). Contact Dr. Mike, Boca Raton Psychiatrist, today if you believe you are struggling with one or more of the numerous types of anxiety disorders.
Depression is recognized as one of the most prominent mental health disorders aroudn the world. Depression is very treatable. If you are struggling with depression, contact our Boca Raton office today to begin working closely with Dr. Mike to feel better.
Dr. Mike offers several options for initial consultations and evaluations. Please contact our office to discuss the option that suits you and your family best. A psychiatric evaluation with Dr. Mike is appropriate for the adult patient or parents or a child or adolescent who are considering treatment.
Dr. Mike is the one of the premier child psychiatrists not only in Boca Raton, but throughout the country. Working closely with parents to diagnose and treat adolescents and children is a passion of Dr. Mike’s. Contact our office today to learn more about the first step to helping your child or teen.